Config error: clientId must be a string (Google.loginAsync SDK 32.0.0)


Upon upgrading from SDK 31.0.0 to 32.0.0, Google.loginAsync no longer works for me in the Expo client.

I checked the docs, which seem to have updated from

const {type, idToken} = await Google.logInAsync({
        behavior: <'system' | 'web'>,
        iosClientId: <string>,
        androidClientId: <string>,
        webClientId: <string>,
        iosStandaloneAppClientId: <string>,
        scopes: [<String>],


const {type, idToken} = await Google.logInAsync({
        clientId: <string>,
        scopes: [<String>],

But when I try that (using my previous webClientId as the clientId), I get the following error message:

Config error: clientId must be a string
isValidClientId AppAuth.js:136:48

Any idea why this happens?

Update: I got this to work (turned out I had a typo in the conf).

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