Cannot reach to launch custom dev client

I am testing expo-dev-client!

eas device:create

Yes, my device is registered.

My eas.json


“builds”: {

"android": {

  "release": {

    "workflow": "managed",

    "withoutCredentials": true


  "base": {

    "workflow": "managed",

    "withoutCredentials": true



"ios": {

  "release": {

    "workflow": "managed"


  "development": {

    "buildType": "development-client",

    "distribution": "internal",

    "workflow": "managed"





eas build --profile development --platform ios

After the build is finished, I installed it on iPhone from expo dashboard.

expo start --dev-client

Then, I read QR code.
It redirected to my new app but just crushed soon after splash screen.
the app is working on Expo go perfectly…

How can I go to the launch screen??

I have tested on Android also.

I could reach to the launch screen of Development client.
The app crushes after QR code is read…

I tried sign in on custom dev client.
The login process on the redirected page seems to work but nothing is changed in profile on launch screen…

Hi @watarumapkid, thanks for trying it out!
If your custom client crashes on launch, you can view the device logs to understand the cause of the crash. We’re looking into how we can make this easier for you going forward.