App missing NSLocation WhenInUseUsageDescriptio

Our latest test flight builds are complaining “This app is missing NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription, so location services will fail. Add one of these keys to your bundle’s Info.plist.” Our previous builds were working, and we’ve confirmed that it is both in our app.json, and that the manifest is read correctly during the build. The JSON snippet below is from the build logs.

         "NSCameraUsageDescription":"Take a profile picture",
         "NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription":"Some thing",
         "NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription":"Select a profile picture"

Hi there, we think this was an issue affecting iOS apps using SDK 25 or older which were built in the last 1 day or so. We deployed a change about 1 hour ago to our build service which should resolve the problem. Can you re-run exp build:ios and see if the resulting binary resolves this for you?

Thanks @ben we’ll give that a try. Also, if you can, feel free to retitle this post. The title requirements were driving me craaaaaazy.

@ben rebuilding did resolve that issue, but we started to see other strange permissions behavior. I’ve mentioned these to @aalices in this comment: Permissions.getAsync(Permissions.CAMERA_ROLL) "status=denied" when granted - #7 by freakthemighty

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