Yarn 2 and expo-modules-autolinking 0.4.0 breaking Android and iOS builds

Please provide the following:

  1. SDK Version: 42
  2. Platforms(Android/iOS/web/all): Android/iOS
  3. Add the appropriate “Tag” based on what Expo library you have a question on.


Some background: we’ve had expo-cli as a dev dependency since our project began in mid 2019. We like to have our team on the same version and we love the simplicity of running yarn install and having everything ready to go. We’re using the bare workflow.

During the process of upgrading to expo-cli ^5.0.1 using Yarn 2, builds (locally and on EAS) began failing with:


> Task :expo:compileDebugJavaWithJavac FAILED
/Users/cam/Source/expo-test/node_modules/expo/android/build/generated/expo/src/main/java/expo/modules/ExpoModulesPackageList.java:6: error: package expo.modules.kotlin.modules does not exist
import expo.modules.kotlin.modules.Module;
/Users/cam/Source/expo-test/node_modules/expo/android/build/generated/expo/src/main/java/expo/modules/ExpoModulesPackageList.java:7: error: package expo.modules.kotlin does not exist
import expo.modules.kotlin.ModulesProvider;
/Users/cam/Source/expo-test/node_modules/expo/android/build/generated/expo/src/main/java/expo/modules/ExpoModulesPackageList.java:9: error: cannot find symbol
public class ExpoModulesPackageList implements ModulesProvider {
  symbol: class ModulesProvider
/Users/cam/Source/expo-test/node_modules/expo/android/build/generated/expo/src/main/java/expo/modules/ExpoModulesPackageList.java:34: error: cannot find symbol
  public List<Class<? extends Module>> getModulesList() {
  symbol:   class Module
  location: class expo.modules.ExpoModulesPackageList
/Users/cam/Source/expo-test/node_modules/expo/android/build/generated/expo/src/main/java/expo/modules/ExpoModulesPackageList.java:24: error: cannot find symbol
    static final List<Class<? extends Module>> modulesList = Arrays.<Class<? extends Module>>asList(
  symbol:   class Module
  location: class expo.modules.ExpoModulesPackageList.LazyHolder
/Users/cam/Source/expo-test/node_modules/expo/android/build/generated/expo/src/main/java/expo/modules/ExpoModulesPackageList.java:24: error: cannot find symbol
    static final List<Class<? extends Module>> modulesList = Arrays.<Class<? extends Module>>asList(
  symbol:   class Module
  location: class expo.modules.ExpoModulesPackageList.LazyHolder
/Users/cam/Source/expo-test/node_modules/expo/android/build/generated/expo/src/main/java/expo/modules/ExpoModulesPackageList.java:33: error: method does not override or implement a method from a supertype
7 errors

and iOS builds fail with:

› Compiling expotest » ExpoModulesProvider.swift

❌  (ios/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-expotest/ExpoModulesProvider.swift:17:56)

  15 |   }
  16 | 
> 17 |   public override func getAppDelegateSubscribers() -> [ExpoAppDelegateSubscriber.Type] {
     |                                                        ^ cannot find type 'ExpoAppDelegateSubscriber' in scope
  18 |     return [
  19 |     ]
  20 |   }

❌  (ios/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-expotest/ExpoModulesProvider.swift:17:24)

  15 |   }
  16 | 
> 17 |   public override func getAppDelegateSubscribers() -> [ExpoAppDelegateSubscriber.Type] {
     |                        ^ method does not override any method from its superclass
  18 |     return [
  19 |     ]
  20 |   }

› 2 error(s)

Steps to reproduce:

expo init expo-test -t bare-minimum
cd expo-test
yarn ios  # Everything working fine
yarn android # Everything working fine

yarn set version berry # Migrate to Yarn 2
yarn install

xcodebuild clean -workspace ios/expotest.xcworkspace -scheme expotest # Clean the build
cd android && ./gradlew clean && cd .. # Clean the build

yarn ios  # Everything working fine
yarn android # The Android build breaks at this point

yarn add --dev expo-cli
xcodebuild clean -workspace ios/expotest.xcworkspace -scheme expotest
cd android && ./gradlew clean && cd ..

yarn ios  # Broken
yarn android # Broken

Android cause

We believe there is a breaking change in expo-modules-autolinking ~0.4.0 and if we take an action that puts 0.4.0 at the top level of node_modules, things break.

When starting a new project from scratch, the problem doesn’t present itself until after upgrading to Yarn 2. The node_modules structure changes during the upgrade.

Yarn 1
expo-modules-autolinking is present at:

  • node_modules/expo-modules-prelinking (0.3.4)
  • node_modules/@expo/prebuild-config/node_modules/expo-modules-autolinking (0.4.0)

Yarn 2
expo-modules-autolinking is present at:

  • node_modules/expo-modules-autolinking (0.4.0)
  • node_modules/expo/node_modules/expo-modules-autolinking (0.3.4)

Our workaround

expo 43.0.4 depends on expo-modules-autolinking ~0.3.4 but @expo/prebuild-config depends on expo-modules-autolinking ~0.4.0.

@expo/prebuild-config is being required from expo-splash-screen, which is asking for @expo/prebuild-config ^3.0.6.

@expo/prebuild-config versions >= 3.0.12 introduced a dependency of expo-modules-autolinking ~0.4.0, thereby tipping the scales and forcing Yarn 2 to put the most requested version at the top, and the lesser requested version in the node_modules directory inside expo. Our workaround is to use resolutions in Yarn to forcibly select @expo/prebuild-config < 3.0.12 by adding the following to package.json:

  "resolutions": {
    "@expo/prebuild-config": "< 3.0.12"

This is enough to tip the scales to force Yarn 2 to once again put expo-modules-autolinking 0.3.4 at the top level.

iOS cause

We don’t really know why adding expo-cli as a dev dependency breaks the iOS build but we believe it to be related to the Android problem, because the resolutions workaround solves it too.

The issue is harder to reproduce with Expo SDK 44 because Expo now relies on expo-modules-autolinking 0.5.1.

The first step to reproduce should now be

expo init expo-test -t bare-minimum@43.0.0

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