VideoThumbnails.getThumbnailAsync() return only key frames on Android

We want to generate several thumbnails per second from a video.

We call VideoThumbnails.getThumbnailAsync().

This line is called : return retriever.getFrameAtTime(time, MediaMetadataRetriever.OPTION_CLOSEST_SYNC);

Source: expo/packages/expo-video-thumbnails/android/src/main/java/expo/modules/videothumbnails/ at master · expo/expo · GitHub

The second parameter accept several options described here: MediaMetadataRetriever  |  Android Developers


This option is used with getFrameAtTime(long, int) to retrieve a sync (or key) frame associated with a data source that is located closest to (in time) or at the given time.

As you can see, retriever.getFrameAtTime(time, MediaMetadataRetriever.OPTION_CLOSEST_SYNC) only returns key frames, so we get the same thumbnail several times when we request several thumbnails in the same second of a video.

We would like to use the option OPTION_CLOSEST instead:


This option is used with getFrameAtTime(long, int) to retrieve a frame (not necessarily a key frame) associated with a data source that is located closest to or at the given time.

How can we call VideoThumbnails.getThumbnailAsync() that call retriever.getFrameAtTime(time, MediaMetadataRetriever.OPTION_CLOSEST)?

Should we report this as a bug?

Thanks in advance.

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