SDK 32.0.0 is not valid SDK Version

Please provide the following:

  1. 32.0.0:
  2. All:

My application built in react-native 31.0.0 but its giving me error sdk is not valid so i upgrade into 32.0.0 so again got error with options of 33.0.0, 34 and 35 but once i upgraded into 33 face many of issues related code which is of course built in old version actually pi purchased application from online store i need to run this in sdk 32.0.0 please help me out because this is wrong whenever sdk updated previous sdk not work on mobile its have to be worked.


  "name": "Atcatat",
  "version": "1.2.3",
  "description": "Ecommerce Store",
  "author": "HamzaNisar",
  "private": true,
  "main": "node_modules/expo/AppEntry.js",
  "scripts": {
    "setup": "./scripts/",
    "start": "expo start",
    "android": "expo start --android",
    "ios": "expo start --ios",
    "eject": "expo eject"
  "dependencies": {
    "api-ecommerce": "0.0.16",
    "axios": "^0.18.0",
    "babel-preset-env": "^1.7.0",
    "base-64": "^0.1.0",
    "currency-formatter": "1.5.3",
    "expo": "^32.0.0",
    "expo-analytics": "^1.0.7",
    "expokit": "1.7.1",
    "firebase": "5.8.1",
    "html-entities": "^1.2.1",
    "lodash": "^4.17.15",
    "moment": "2.24.0",
    "monet": "0.9.0",
    "oauth-1.0a": "1.0.1",
    "path": "^0.12.7",
    "react": "16.5.0",
    "react-instantsearch": "5.3.2",
    "react-native": "",
    "react-native-animatable": "1.3.1",
    "react-native-app-intro-slider": "1.0.1",
    "react-native-button": "^2.3.0",
    "react-native-check-box": "2.1.7",
    "react-native-collapsible": "1.4.0",
    "react-native-country-picker-modal": "^0.8.0",
    "react-native-drawer": "^2.5.0",
    "react-native-dropdownalert": "3.9.1",
    "react-native-fluid-slider": "^1.0.2",
    "react-native-gifted-chat": "0.7.2",
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    "react-native-masked-text": "1.10.1",
    "react-native-modalbox": "1.7.1",
    "react-native-onesignal": "^3.2.12",
    "react-native-paper": "2.6.3",
    "react-native-parallax": "^0.3.0",
    "react-native-progress-bar-animated": "^1.0.6",
    "react-native-radio-buttons": "^1.0.0",
    "react-native-render-html": "3.10.0",
    "react-native-scrollable-tab-view": "^0.10.0",
    "react-native-side-menu": "^1.1.3",
    "react-native-snap-carousel": "^3.6.0",
    "react-native-swipe-list-view": "1.5.1",
    "react-native-swiper": "1.5.14",
    "react-native-timeago": "^0.4.0",
    "react-native-vector-icons": "6.2.0",
    "react-navigation": "^3.0.8",
    "react-redux": "5.1.1",
    "redux": "^4.0.0",
    "redux-persist": "^5.9.1",
    "redux-thunk": "^2.3.0",
    "reselect": "4.0.0",
    "sanitize-html": "1.20.0",
    "tcomb-form-native": "0.6.20",
    "urijs": "1.19.1",
    "url": "^0.11.0",
    "url-parse": "1.4.4",
    "util": "0.11.1",
    "uuid": "3.3.2",
    "validate.js": "^0.12.0",
    "wpapi": "1.2.1"
  "devDependencies": {
    "babel-jest": "^25.0.0",
    "babel-plugin-transform-remove-console": "^6.9.4",
    "babel-preset-react-native": "4.0.1",
    "jest": "^25.0.0",
    "react-test-renderer": "16.7.0",
    "reactotron-react-native": "2.1.5",
    "reactotron-redux": "2.1.3"


  "expo": {
    "name": "Atcatat",
    "description": "Atcatat - store",
    "slug": "mstore-multivendor",
    "privacy": "public",
    "sdkVersion": "32.0.0",
    "version": "1.4",
    "orientation": "portrait",
    "primaryColor": "#cccccc",
    "icon": "./assets/icons/app.png",
    "splash": {
      "image": "./assets/splash.png",
      "resizeMode": "cover",
      "backgroundColor": "#ffffff"
    "packagerOpts": {
      "assetExts": [
    "assetBundlePatterns": [
    "ios": {
      "bundleIdentifier": "",
      "supportsTablet": true
    "android": {
      "package": "",
      "versionCode": 3,
      "permissions": []
  "updates": {
    "fallbackToCacheTimeout": 0,
    "checkAutomatically": "ON_LOAD"

Hey @hamzanisar,

You can find links to an older version of the client in this blog post Expo SDK 35 is now available. Expo SDK v35.0.0 is out today and is… | by Eric Samelson | Exposition under the section about dropping SDK31 and 32 support. I would strongly recommend upgrading though as you’ll need to build with SDK33+ to be able to submit to the Google Play Store. We had to remove SDK32 and earlier from the Expo Client so we could submit a new version to Google.



Hy thanks now i upgraded version expo 32 to 35 but now getting some error kindly check the screenshot

as checked issue is in this page

/** @format */
import { Localization } from "expo-localization";
//const { Localization } = Localization;

const langs = {
  en: {
    Exit: "Exit",
    ExitConfirm: "Are you sure you want to exit this app",
    YES: "YES",
    OK: "OK",
    ViewMyOrders: "View My Oders",
    Confirm: "Confirm",

    // Scene's Titles
    Home: "Home",
    Intro: "Intro",
    Product: "Product",
    Cart: "Cart",
    WishList: "WishList",

    // Home
    products: "products",

    // TopBar
    ShowFilter: "Sub Categories",
    HideFilter: "Hide",
    Sort: "Sort",
    textFilter: "Recent",
    recents: "Recents",

    // Category
    ThereIsNoMore: "There is no more product to show",

    // Product
    AddtoCart: "Add to Cart",
    AddtoWishlist: "Add to Wishlist",
    ProductVariations: "Variations",
    NoVariation: "This product don't have any variation",
    AdditionalInformation: "Description",
    NoProductDescription: "No Product Description",
    ProductReviews: "Reviews",
    writeReview: "review",
    NoReview: "This product don't have any reviews ...yet",
    OutOfStock: "OUT OF STOCK",
    ProductLimitWaring: "You can't add more than 10 product",
    EmptyProductAttribute: "This product don't have any attributes",
    ProductFeatures: "Features",
    ErrorMessageRequest: "Can't get data from server",
    NoConnection: "No internet connection",
    ProductRelated: "Related Products",
    chatWithUs: "Chat with us...",

    // Cart
    NoCartItem: "There is no product in cart",
    Total: "Total",
    EmptyCheckout: "Sorry, you can't check out an empty cart",
    RemoveCartItemConfirm: "Remove this product from cart?",
    MyCart: "Cart",
    Order: "Order",
    ShoppingCart: "Shopping Cart",
    ShoppingCartIsEmpty: "Your Cart is Empty",
    AddProductToCart: "Add a product to the shopping cart",
    TotalPrice: "Total Price:",
    YourDeliveryInfo: "Your Shipping Detail",
    ShopNow: "Shop Now",
    YourChoice: "Your cart:",
    YourSale: "Your Sale:",
    SubtotalPrice: "Subtotal Price:",
    Items: "items",
    Item: "item",
    ThankYou: "Thank you",
    FinishOrderCOD: "You can use to number of order to track shipping status",
      "Thank you so much for your purchased, to check your delivery status please go to My Orders",
    NextStep: "Next Step",
    ConfirmOrder: "Confirm Order",
    RequireEnterAllFileds: "Please enter all fields",
    Error: "Error",
    InvalidEmail: "Invalid email address",
    Finish: "Finish",

    // Wishlist
    NoWishListItem: "There is no item in wishlist",
    MoveAllToCart: "Add all to cart",
    AddedToCart: 'Added to cart',
    EmptyWishList: "Empty wishlist",
    EmptyAddToCart: "Sorry, the wishlist is empty",
    RemoveWishListItemConfirm: "Remove this product from wishlist?",
    CleanAll: "Remove All",

    // Sidemenu
    SignIn: "Log In",
    Login: "Login",
    SignOut: "Log Out",
    GuestAccount: "Guest Account",
      "We can't reach your email address, please try other login method",
    NoEmailError: "Your account don't have valid email address",
      "Your email address is not verified, we can' trust you",
    Login: "Login",
    Logout: "Logout",
    Shop: "Shop",
    Category: "Category",

    // Checkout
    Checkout: "Checkout",
    ProceedPayment: "Proceed Payment",
    Purchase: "Purchase",
    CashOnDelivery: "Cash on Delivery",
    CreditCard: "Credit Card",
    PaymentMethod: "Payment Method - Not select",
    PaymentMethodError: "Please select your payment method",
    PayWithCoD: "Your purchase will be pay when goods were delivered",
    PayWithPayPal: "Your purchase will be pay with PayPal",
    Paypal: "paypal",
    Stripe: "stripe",
    PayWithStripe: "Your purchase will be pay with Stripe",
    ApplyCoupon: "Apply",
    CouponPlaceholder: "Coupon Code",
    Apply: "Apply",
    Applying: "Applying",
    Back: "Back",
    CardNamePlaceholder: "Name written on card",
    BackToHome: "Back to Home",
    OrderCompleted: "Your order was completed",
    OrderCanceled: "Your order was canceled",
    OrderFailed: "Something went wrong...",
    OrderCompletedDesc: "Your order id is ",
      "You have canceled the order. The transaction has not been completed",
      "We have encountered an error while processing your order. The transaction has not been completed. Please try again",
      'Tip: You could track your order status in "My Orders" section from side menu',
    Delivery: "Delivery",
    Payment: "Payment",
    Complete: "Complete",
    EnterYourFirstName: "Enter your First Name",
    EnterYourLastName: "Enter your Last Name",
    EnterYourEmail: "Enter your email",
    EnterYourPhone: "Enter your phone",
    EnterYourAddress: "Enter your address",
    CreateOrderError: "Cannot create new order. Please try again later",

    // myorder
    MyOrder: "My Order",
    NoOrder: "You don't have any orders",
    OrderDate: "Order Date: ",
    OrderStatus: "Status: ",
    OrderPayment: "Payment method: ",
    OrderTotal: "Total: ",
    OrderDetails: "Show detail",

    News: "News",
    PostDetails: "Post Details",
    FeatureArticles: "Feature articles",
    MostViews: "Most views",
    EditorChoice: "Editor choice",

    // settings
    Settings: "Settings",
    Language: "Language",
    INFO: "INFO",
    About: "About us",

    // language
    AvailableLanguages: "Available Languages",
    SwitchLanguage: "Switch Language",
    SwitchLanguageConfirm: "Switch language require an app reload, continue?",

    // about us
    AppName: "MSTORE",
    AppDescription: "React Native template for mCommerce",
    AppContact: " Contact us at:",
    AppEmail: " Email:",
    AppCopyRights: "© MSTORE 2016",

    // contact us
    contactus: "Contact Us",

    // form
    NotSelected: "Not selected",
    EmptyError: "This field is empty",
    DeliveryInfo: "Delivery Info",
    FirstName: "First Name",
    LastName: "Last Name",
    Address: "Address",
    City: "Town/City",
    State: "State",
    NotSelectedError: "Please choose one",
    Postcode: "Postcode",
    Country: "Country",
    Email: "Email",
    Phone: "Phone Number",
    Note: "Note",

    // search
    Search: "Search",
    SearchPlaceHolder: "Search product by name",
    NoResultError: "Your search keyword did not match any products.",
    Details: "Details",

    // filter panel
    Categories: "Categories",
    Loading: "LOADING...",
    welcomeBack: "Welcome, ",
    logoutSuccess: "Logout Successfully !",
    seeAll: "Show All",
    Vendors: "Vendors",

    // Layout
    cardView: "Card ",
    simpleView: "List View",
    twoColumnView: "Two Column ",
    threeColumnView: "Three Column ",
    listView: "List View",
    default: "Default",
    advanceView: "Advance ",
    horizontal: "Horizontal ",

    couponCodeIsExpired: "This coupon code is expired",
    invalidCouponCode: "This coupon code is invalid",
    remove: "Remove",
    applyCouponSuccess: "Congratulations! Coupon code applied successfully ",
    reload: "Reload",

    ShippingType: "Shipping method",

    // Place holder
    TypeFirstName: "Type your first name",
    TypeLastName: "Type your last name",
    TypeAddress: "Type address",
    TypeCity: "Type your town or city",
    TypeState: "Type your state",
    TypeNotSelectedError: "Please choose one",
    TypePostcode: "Type postcode",
    TypeEmail: "Type email (Ex., ",
    TypePhone: "Type your phone number",
    TypeNote: "Note",
    TypeCountry: "Select country",
    SelectPayment: "Select Payment method",
    close: "CLOSE",
    noConnection: "NO INTERNET ACCESS",

    // user profile screen
    AccountInformations: "Account Information",
    PushNotification: "Push notification",
    Privacy: "Privacy policies",
    SelectCurrency: "Select currency",
    Name: "Name",
    Currency: "Currency",
    Languages: "Languages",
    Guest: "Guest",
    FacebookLogin: "Facebook Login",
    Or: "Or",
    UserOrEmail: "Username or Email",
    DontHaveAccount: "Don't have account? ",
    accountDetails: "Account Details",
    username: "Username",
    email: "Email",
    generatePass: "Use generate password",
    password: "Password",
    signup: "Sign Up",
    alreadySignUp: "You've registered already ? Sign In NOW!",
    profileDetail: "Profile Details",
    firstName: "First name",
    lastName: "Last name",
    chatList: "Chat List",

    // Horizontal
    featureProducts: "Feature Products",
    bagsCollections: "Headphone Collections",
    onSaleProducts: "On Sale Products",
    topRatedProducts: "Top Rated Products",
    watchBestSeller: "SmartWatches Best Seller",
    accessCollections: "Accessories Collections",
    promotionProducts: "Promotions",
    citchenThings: "Citchen Things",
    illumination: "Illumination Best Seller",

    // Modal
    Select: "Select",
    Cancel: "Cancel",

    // review
    vendorTitle: "Vendor",
    comment: "Leave a review",
    yourcomment: "Your comment",
      "Tell something about your experience or leave a tip for others",
    writeReview: "Write A Review",
      "Thanks for the review, your content will be verify by the admin and will be published later",
    errInputComment: "Please input your content to submit",
    errRatingComment: "Please rating to submit",
    send: "Send",
    termCondition: "Terms & Conditions",
    Subtotal: "Subtotal",
    Discount: "Discount",
    Shipping: "Shipping",
    Recents: "Recently Searched ",
    Filters: "Filters",
    Princing: "Princing",
    Filter: "Filter",
    ClearFilter: "Clear Filter",
    ProductCatalog: "Product Catalog",
    ProductTags: "Product Tags",

    vendorTitle: "Vendor",
    comment: "Leave a review",
    yourcomment: "Your comment",
      "Tell something about your experience or leave a tip for others",
    writeReview: "Review",
      "Thanks for the review, your content will be verify by the admin and will be published later",
    errInputComment: "Please input your content to submit",
    errRatingComment: "Please rating to submit",
    send: "Submit review",
    allowAccessCameraroll: "You need to turn on to allow access camera roll",

    // search screen
    recents: "Recents",
    filter: "Filters: ",
    Recommend: "Recommend",

    currentLanguage: "Current Language",
    SwitchRtlConfirm: "Switch language require an app reload, continue?",
    Confirm: "Confirm",
    changeLanguage: "Change Language",
    OK: "OK",
    next: "next",

    typeAmessage: "Type a message here",

    // vendor info
    storeName: "Store Name",
    storeEmail: "Email",
    storePhone: "Phone",
    storeAddress: "Address",
    storeLocation: "Location",
    storeRating: "Rating",
    review: "Reviews",

    //new listing
    publish: "Publish",
    allowAccessCameraroll: "You need to turn on to allow access camera roll",
    postHeading: "Product Title",
    selectCategory: "Select Category",
    errorMsgConnectServer: "Can not connect to server.",
    submit: "Submit",
    composeTheContent: "Type the content...",
    readyToSubmit: "Ready to submit?",
    notYet: "Not yet",
    successfull: "Successfull",
    close: "Close",
    msgConfirmClearHistory: "Are you sure you want to clear history?",
    confirmation: "Confirmation",
    listingType: "Listing Type",
    myListings: "My Listings",
    selectOnLocation: "Select Location",
    location: "Listing Location",
    informationField: "Fields Information",
    listingTitle: "Type Listing Title",
    listingContent: "Product Description",
    productPrice: "Price",
  ar: {
    Exit: "Exit",
    ExitConfirm: "Are you sure you want to exit this app",
    YES: "YES",
    OK: "OK",
    ViewMyOrders: "View My Oders",
    Confirm: "Confirm",

    // Scene's Titles
    Home: "Home",
    Intro: "Intro",
    Product: "Product",
    Cart: "Cart",
    WishList: "WishList",

    // Home
    products: "products",

    // TopBar
    ShowFilter: "Sub Categories",
    HideFilter: "Hide",
    Sort: "Sort",
    textFilter: "Recent",
    recents: "Recents",

    // Category
    ThereIsNoMore: "There is no more product to show",

    // Product
    AddtoCart: "Add to Cart",
    AddtoWishlist: "Add to Wishlist",
    ProductVariations: "Variations",
    NoVariation: "This product don't have any variation",
    AdditionalInformation: "Description",
    NoProductDescription: "No Product Description",
    ProductReviews: "Reviews",
    writeReview: "review",
    NoReview: "This product don't have any reviews ...yet",
    OutOfStock: "OUT OF STOCK",
    ProductLimitWaring: "You can't add more than 10 product",
    EmptyProductAttribute: "This product don't have any attributes",
    ProductFeatures: "Features",
    ErrorMessageRequest: "Can't get data from server, internet connection",
    NoConnection: "No internet connection",
    ProductRelated: "Related Products",
    chatWithUs: "Chat with us...",

    // Cart
    NoCartItem: "There is no product in cart",
    Total: "Total",
    EmptyCheckout: "Sorry, you can't check out an empty cart",
    RemoveCartItemConfirm: "Remove this product from cart?",
    MyCart: "Cart",
    Order: "Order",
    ShoppingCart: "Shopping Cart",
    ShoppingCartIsEmpty: "Your Cart is Empty",
    AddProductToCart: "Add a product to the shopping cart",
    TotalPrice: "Total Price:",
    YourDeliveryInfo: "Your Shipping Detail",
    ShopNow: "Shop Now",
    YourChoice: "Your cart:",
    YourSale: "Your Sale:",
    SubtotalPrice: "Subtotal Price:",
    Items: "items",
    Item: "item",
    ThankYou: "Thank you",
    FinishOrderCOD: "You can use to number of order to track shipping status",
      "Thank you so much for your purchased, to check your delivery status please go to My Orders",
    NextStep: "Next Step",
    ConfirmOrder: "Confirm Order",
    RequireEnterAllFileds: "Please enter all fields",
    Error: "Error",
    InvalidEmail: "Invalid email address",
    Finish: "Finish",

    // Wishlist
    NoWishListItem: "There is no item in wishlist",
    MoveAllToCart: "Add all to cart",
    AddedToCart: 'Added to cart',
    EmptyWishList: "Empty wishlist",
    EmptyAddToCart: "Sorry, the wishlist is empty",
    RemoveWishListItemConfirm: "Remove this product from wishlist?",
    CleanAll: "Remove All",

    // Sidemenu
    SignIn: "Log In",
    SignOut: "Log Out",
    GuestAccount: "Guest Account",
      "We can't reach your email address, please try other login method",
    NoEmailError: "Your account don't have valid email address",
      "Your email address is not verified, we can' trust you",
    Login: "Login",
    Logout: "Logout",
    Shop: "Shop",
    Category: "Category",

    // Checkout
    Checkout: "Checkout",
    ProceedPayment: "Proceed Payment",
    Purchase: "Purchase",
    CashOnDelivery: "Cash on Delivery",
    CreditCard: "Credit Card",
    PaymentMethod: "Payment Method - Not select",
    PaymentMethodError: "Please select your payment method",
    PayWithCoD: "Your purchase will be pay when goods were delivered",
    PayWithPayPal: "Your purchase will be pay with PayPal",
    Paypal: "paypal",
    Stripe: "stripe",
    PayWithStripe: "Your purchase will be pay with Stripe",
    ApplyCoupon: "Apply",
    CouponPlaceholder: "Coupon Code",
    Apply: "Apply",
    Applying: "Applying",
    Back: "Back",
    CardNamePlaceholder: "Name written on card",
    BackToHome: "Back to Home",
    OrderCompleted: "Your order was completed",
    OrderCanceled: "Your order was canceled",
    OrderFailed: "Something went wrong...",
    OrderCompletedDesc: "Your order id is ",
      "You have canceled the order. The transaction has not been completed",
      "We have encountered an error while processing your order. The transaction has not been completed. Please try again",
      'Tip: You could track your order status in "My Orders" section from side menu',
    Delivery: "Delivery",
    Payment: "Payment",
    Complete: "Complete",
    EnterYourFirstName: "Enter your First Name",
    EnterYourLastName: "Enter your Last Name",
    EnterYourEmail: "Enter your email",
    EnterYourPhone: "Enter your phone",
    EnterYourAddress: "Enter your address",
    CreateOrderError: "Cannot create new order. Please try again later",

    // myorder
    MyOrder: "My Order",
    NoOrder: "You don't have any orders",
    OrderDate: "Order Date: ",
    OrderStatus: "Status: ",
    OrderPayment: "Payment method: ",
    OrderTotal: "Total: ",
    OrderDetails: "Show detail",

    News: "News",
    PostDetails: "Post Details",
    FeatureArticles: "Feature articles",
    MostViews: "Most views",
    EditorChoice: "Editor choice",

    // settings
    Settings: "Settings",
    Language: "Language",
    INFO: "INFO",
    About: "About us",

    // language
    AvailableLanguages: "Available Languages",
    SwitchLanguage: "Switch Language",
    SwitchLanguageConfirm: "Switch language require an app reload, continue?",

    // about us
    AppName: "MSTORE",
    AppDescription: "React Native template for mCommerce",
    AppContact: " Contact us at:",
    AppEmail: " Email:",
    AppCopyRights: "© MSTORE 2016",

    // contact us
    contactus: "Contact Us",

    // form
    NotSelected: "Not selected",
    EmptyError: "This field is empty",
    DeliveryInfo: "Delivery Info",
    FirstName: "First Name",
    LastName: "Last Name",
    Address: "Address",
    City: "Town/City",
    State: "State",
    NotSelectedError: "Please choose one",
    Postcode: "Postcode",
    Country: "Country",
    Email: "Email",
    Phone: "Phone Number",
    Note: "Note",

    // search
    Search: "Search",
    SearchPlaceHolder: "Search product by name",
    NoResultError: "Your search keyword did not match any products.",
    Details: "Details",

    // filter panel
    Categories: "Categories",
    Loading: "LOADING...",
    welcomeBack: "Welcome, ",
    logoutSuccess: "Logout Successfully !",
    seeAll: "Show All",
    Vendors: "Vendors",

    // Layout
    cardView: "Card ",
    simpleView: "List View",
    twoColumnView: "Two Column ",
    threeColumnView: "Three Column ",
    listView: "List View",
    default: "Default",
    advanceView: "Advance ",
    horizontal: "Horizontal ",

    couponCodeIsExpired: "This coupon code is expired",
    invalidCouponCode: "This coupon code is invalid",
    remove: "Remove",
    applyCouponSuccess: "Congratulations! Coupon code applied successfully ",
    reload: "Reload",

    ShippingType: "Shipping method",

    // Place holder
    TypeFirstName: "Type your first name",
    TypeLastName: "Type your last name",
    TypeAddress: "Type address",
    TypeCity: "Type your town or city",
    TypeState: "Type your state",
    TypeNotSelectedError: "Please choose one",
    TypePostcode: "Type postcode",
    TypeEmail: "Type email (Ex., ",
    TypePhone: "Type your phone number",
    TypeNote: "Note",
    TypeCountry: "Select country",
    SelectPayment: "Select Payment method",
    close: "CLOSE",
    noConnection: "NO INTERNET ACCESS",

    // user profile screen
    AccountInformations: "Account Information",
    PushNotification: "Push notification",
    Privacy: "Privacy policies",
    SelectCurrency: "Select currency",
    Name: "Name",
    Currency: "Currency",
    Languages: "Languages",
    Guest: "Guest",
    FacebookLogin: "Facebook Login",
    Or: "Or",
    UserOrEmail: "Username or Email",
    DontHaveAccount: "Don't have account? ",
    accountDetails: "Account Details",
    username: "Username",
    email: "Email",
    generatePass: "Use generate password",
    password: "Password",
    signup: "Sign Up",
    alreadySignUp: "You've registered already ? Sign In NOW!",
    profileDetail: "Profile Details",
    firstName: "First name",
    lastName: "Last name",
    chatList: "Chat List",

    // Horizontal
    featureProducts: "Feature Products",
    bagsCollections: "Headphone Collections",
    onSaleProducts: "On Sale Products",
    topRatedProducts: "Top Rated Products",
    womanBestSeller: "SmartWatches Best Seller",
    accessCollections: "Accessories Collections",
    promotionProducts: "Promotions",
    citchenThings: "Citchen Things",
    illumination: "Illumination Best Seller",

    // Modal
    Select: "Select",
    Cancel: "Cancel",

    // review
    vendorTitle: "Vendor",
    comment: "Leave a review",
    yourcomment: "Your comment",
      "Tell something about your experience or leave a tip for others",
    writeReview: "Write A Review",
      "Thanks for the review, your content will be verify by the admin and will be published later",
    errInputComment: "Please input your content to submit",
    errRatingComment: "Please rating to submit",
    send: "Send",
    termCondition: "Term & Condition",
    Subtotal: "Subtotal",
    Discount: "Discount",
    Shipping: "Shipping",
    Recents: "Recently Searched",
    Filters: "Filters",
    Princing: "Princing",
    Filter: "Filter",
    ClearFilter: "Clear Filter",
    ProductCatalog: "Product Catalog",
    ProductTags: "Product Tags",

    vendorTitle: "Vendor",
    comment: "Leave a review",
    yourcomment: "Your comment",
      "Tell something about your experience or leave a tip for others",
    writeReview: "Review",
      "Thanks for the review, your content will be verify by the admin and will be published later",
    errInputComment: "Please input your content to submit",
    errRatingComment: "Please rating to submit",
    send: "Submit review",
    allowAccessCameraroll: "You need to turn on to allow access camera roll",

    // search screen
    recents: "حديثي",
    filter: "مرشحات: ",

    currentLanguage: "اللغة الحالية",
      "تتطلب تبديل اللغة إعادة تحميل التطبيق ، هل تريد المتابعة؟",
    Confirm: "تؤكد",
    changeLanguage: "تغيير اللغة",
    OK: "OK",
    next: "next",

    typeAmessage: "Type a message here",
    // vendor info
    storeName: "Store Name",
    storeEmail: "Email",
    storePhone: "Phone",
    storeAddress: "Address",
    storeLocation: "Location",
    storeRating: "Rating",
    review: "Reviews",

    //new listing
    publish: "Publish",
    allowAccessCameraroll: "You need to turn on to allow access camera roll",
    postHeading: "Post heading",
    selectCategory: "Select Category",
    errorMsgConnectServer: "Can not connect to server.",
    submit: "Submit",
    composeTheContent: "Type the content...",
    readyToSubmit: "Ready to submit?",
    notYet: "Not yet",
    successfull: "Successfull",
    close: "Close",
    msgConfirmClearHistory: "Are you sure you want to clear history?",
    confirmation: "Confirmation",
    listingType: "Listing Type",
    myListings: "My Listings",
    selectOnLocation: "Select Location",
    location: "Listing Location",
    informationField: "Fields Information",
    listingTitle: "Type Listing Title",
    listingContent: "Product Description",
    productPrice: "Price",

const Languages = new Localization.LocalStorage(langs);
export default Languages;

now please tell me what i have to do now
and in index.js i have already mentioned

AppRegistry.registerComponent('main',() => App);
import { withNavigation as _withNavigation } from "react-navigation";
import { withTheme as _withTheme } from "react-native-paper";
import reactotron from "reactotron-react-native";

but still getting registry error

I’m unsure about your error.

Sometimes the cache is the problem. It can make a lot of weird errors.

  1. Check your dependencies, such as babel. You may need to update them.
  2. Delete node_modules folder
  3. Delete package-lock.json
  4. Run expo start -c

yes i did remove node_module package-lock.json expo start not -c just expo start

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