[Push Notifications] Old and new Notifications API return different push notification tokens for the same device

Hi Victor, thanks for the quick response!

So, if the ExpoToken contains device information to receive push notifications, shouldn’t that be the prove that both APIs have to return the same token?

I mean, from a user perspective, I’d have expected both the old API and the new API to have exactly the same use case, and thus exactly the same output, no matter which one I’m using. In my head (also as stated here), the expo token is a unique device identifier (for push notifications) in which lifetime is the app installation itself. That is, the expo token would be renewed if we uninstall the app and re-install it again, but it should be the same when upgrading it - the latter is the most common case when upgrading the Expo SDK version, which requires a new APK submission to the AppStore/PlayStore, and thus it requires users to “upgrade” their app.
In this case, this invariant would break, and thus it would enforce us to tell our users “hey, you have to set up push notifications again in order to make them work correctly”, which is not a great experience for them.

Also it’s worth to mention that both tokens work at the same time. That is, I can send push notifications to the phone, by using any of them. But since the old API will be deprecated soon (perhaps in SDK 39?) then I have to find a way of using the new API, without letting the end user know about it).

Does this make sense?
Thank you again!