Need help: Expo config plugin: withProjectBuildGradle


I’m trying to do a custom build with eas to integrate HMS Core (Huawei dev kit)
So i need to add a maven repo to build.gradle

To do this, i created a plugin with withProjectBuildGradle from @expo/config-plugins, but not sure how it works exactly.

My plugin:

const { withProjectBuildGradle } = require("@expo/config-plugins")

module.exports = function CustomGradlePlugin(config) {
  return withProjectBuildGradle(config, async config => {
    let buildscriptRepos = config.modResults.buildscript.repositories

    buildscriptRepos.$ = {
      "maven": "{url ''}",

    let allProjsRepos = config.modResults.allprojects.repositories

    allProjsRepos.$ = {
      "maven": "{url ''}",

    return config

Response from eas build:configure

    PluginError: Plugin is an unexpected type: undefined

I can’t find doc about that, is there a obscure place where i can find that ?


I’ve found that here

config.modResults.contents = replace(
        maven {
            // Required for react-native-background-geolocation
        maven {
            // Required for react-native-background-fetch

Looks good but i still have unexpected type: undefined message


My build succeeded with these 2 plugins

Modify gradle config

const { withProjectBuildGradle } = require("@expo/config-plugins")

module.exports = function customGradlePlugin(config) {
  return withProjectBuildGradle(config, async config => {
    config.modResults.contents = config.modResults.contents.replaceAll(
      maven {
        url ''

    return config

Add huawei commondata permission

const { withAndroidManifest } = require("@expo/config-plugins")

module.exports = function androiManifestPlugin(config) {
  return withAndroidManifest(config, async config => {
    let androidManifest = config.modResults.manifest

    // add the tools to apply permissions
    androidManifest.$ = {
      "xmlns:tools": "",

        $: {
            "android:name": "com.huawei.appmarket.service.commondata.permission.GET_COMMON_DATA"

    return config

Then don’t forget to reference your plugins in your app.config.js or app.json

"plugins": [

Finaly, run an eas build

I’m waiting for Huawei Developer Program review to test hms-map, but i think i’m good.

Okay, i finaly succeed but that was not easy, mostly because of the lack of documentation on expo plugins
I wrote a tutorial to explain if anyone is interested

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