My app crashes when I tap on notification

Please provide the following:

  1. SDK Version: 42
  2. Platforms(Android/iOS/web/all): Android/iOS

I’m having a problem with the Expo Notification, every time I click on it my app simply closes


useEffect(() => {
    notificationListener.current = Notifications.addNotificationReceivedListener(notification => {
      const { request: { content: { data } } } = notification;
      if (typeof data?.type === "undefined") {
          "Pedido aceito",
          `O pedido #${} foi aceito pelo profissional`,
          [{ Text: "OK" }]

    responseListener.current = Notifications.addNotificationResponseReceivedListener(
      notification => {
        const { request: { content: { data } } } = notification;
        if (data?.type === "chat") {
          const { id } = data;

    return () => {
  }, []);


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You’re probably hitting a fatal JS error in the codepath inside of addNotificationResponseReceivedListener. Looks like the issue could be with your de-structuring, make sure you’ve got the type right- Notifications - Expo Documentation

You were right that was the mistake
I was putting:
const { request: { content: { data } } } = notification;
Now I put:
const { notification: { request: { content: { date } } } } = notification;
And the error didn’t appear anymore.

Dude, thank you so much for helping me.

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