How to show or mark or display all the latitude and longitude lines in react native maps so that it looks like tiles structure

Like in the image there are 3 tiles i want to divide whole map into tiles in react native maps but dont know how. I made these lines with polygon component inside the MapView component
Something like a grid

          latitude: latitude,
          longitude: longitude,
          latitudeDelta: 0.00017966321, // Adjust initial zoom level
          longitudeDelta: 0.00017966321, // Adjust initial zoom level
          strokeColor="red" // Border color
          fillColor="transparent" // No fill color
          strokeColor="red" // Border color
          fillColor="transparent" // No fill color
          strokeColor="red" // Border color
          fillColor="transparent" // No fill color

Hi @akshmit

Maybe you could calculate a bunch of latitudes and then draw Polylines?

But this question is not really about Expo, so it would be more appropriate to ask the React Native Maps project.