How to see a list or table of Expo Go's built-in native modules and versions?

Expo Go has native code from a limited number of Expo and third-part React Native modules built in, for specific versions. I’d really like to see some way of browsing this list. This data is in Expo somewhere, not sure how to access it.

Ideally it’d be great if there was a table of versions by still-supported SDK number, auto-generated, like this maybe:

Name on NPM                               | SDK 46  | SDK 47  | SDK 48  |  
expo-sensors                              | x.x.x   | x.y.z   | y.z.x   |
expo-firebase-analytics                   | x.x.x * | x.y.z * | REMOVED |
expo-secure-store                         | x.x.x   | x.x.y   | x.y.z   |
@react-native-async-storage/async-storage | y.y.y   | y.x.y   | z.y.x   |

* only limited support in Expo Go

I think the left hand nav bar in Reference - Expo Documentation gives the supported modules for the given SDK version, but it doesn’t allow easy side-by-side comparison or show the supported version number.

Maybe expo/bundledNativeModules.json at main · expo/expo · GitHub and compare the different SDK branches e.g.

That would make the above table look like this:

Name on NPM                               | SDK 46   | SDK 47   | SDK 48   
expo-sensors                              | ~11.4.0  | ~12.0.1  | ~12.1.1
expo-firebase-analytics                   | ~7.2.0 * | ~8.0.0 * | REMOVED
expo-secure-store                         | ~11.3.0  | ~12.0.0  | ~12.1.1
@react-native-async-storage/async-storage | ~1.17.3  | ~1.17.3  | 1.17.11

Would be great if something like this could be auto-generated on the docs.