Google maps new SDK

From Google Maps Platform

We’re writing to inform you that we are deprecating the Maps SDK beta versions for Android and iOS. A supported version of the Maps SDK will be made available at least one year prior to the beta SDK being fully decommissioned, which is estimated to occur in late 2022.

You are receiving this message because we have determined that one or more of your projects are likely using one of these beta versions of the mobile Maps SDKs.

What do I need to know?

The use of the mobile Maps SDKs (Android & iOS) beta will be degraded as per the following schedule:

For Android:

  • The Maps SDK for Android beta (versions 3.0.0 and 3.1.0) client library is now deprecated .
  • All features of the beta SDK will be supported in upcoming releases of the Maps SDK for Android distributed as part of the Google Play services SDK.
  • Support for the Maps SDK for Android beta (versions 3.0.0 to and 3.1.0) will cease no earlier than November 2022.

For iOS:

  • The Maps SDK for iOS beta (versions v3.0.0 and v3.10.0) is now deprecated .
  • All features of the beta SDK will be supported in upcoming releases of the Maps SDK for iOS distributed via CocoaPods and Carthage.
  • Support for the Maps SDK for iOS beta (versions v3.0.0 and v3.10.0) will cease no earlier than November 2022.

On all platforms, the beta SDKs will be fully decommissioned, at least one year after a supported (non-beta) version is released . We will communicate with you again once the new version is released so that you can start your migration efforts.