expo-task-manager with expo-location error

Please provide the following:

  1. SDK Version: "expo": "^45.0.0",
  2. IOS Emulator (atm) but all normally.
  3. expo-task-manager & expo-location

Hello, We are setting up background location tracking in our App…

I am defining my background location task before is loaded


export const LOCATION_TASK_NAME = 'background-location-task'
function init() {
  TaskManager.defineTask(LOCATION_TASK_NAME, _execute)

    setTimeout(() => {
        TaskManager.getRegisteredTasksAsync().then((tasks) =>
            console.log('registered tasks', tasks) // logs empty array
    }, 5000)

export default { init }


import BackgroundLocation from '../../......'

export default App() { ... }

Now in the App component hiararchy i have a Component called <LocationTracker />

import { LOCATION_TASK_NAME } from '../../BackgroundLocation'


React.useEffect(() => {
  async function handleLocation() {
            try {
                if (backgroundLocationServicesEnabled) {
                    await Location.startLocationUpdatesAsync(
                            accuracy: Location.Accuracy.Balanced,
                            distanceInterval: 20,
                } else {
                    await Location.stopLocationUpdatesAsync(
                    ).catch((e) => {
                            'error calling stopLocationUpdatesAsync',
            } catch (e) {
                console.error('error in handleLocation', e)

        handleLocation().then(() => {})
}, [backgroundServicesEnabled]) 

Background location is not enabled in my case so the error being fired is

error calling stopLocationUpdatesAsync, [Error: Task 'background-location-task' not found for app ID 'mainApplication'.]
at components/LocationTracker.tsx:70:37 in Location.stopLocationUpdatesAsync._catch$argument_0

its this part

[Error: Task ‘background-location-task’ not found for app ID ‘mainApplication’.]
that is causing me confusion because i’m registering that task ID right at the begining of the app.

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