Expo Local Authentication issue if you have more than 1 apps installed on IOS

Okay finally I solved it!!! @charliecruzan @notbrent
My both apps were using expo sdk 38 and react-native sdk 38.
I just downgraded only one app to

“expo”: “^36.0.0”,
“react-native”: “https://github.com/expo/react-native/archive/sdk-36.0.0.tar.gz

the other app still using sdk 39. and then I removed the node_modules and package-lock.json from the downgraded app.

sudo rm -rf ./node_modules && sudo rm -rf package-lock.json

and then I Installed new modules in it

npm i

solved some compatible warning of libraries by doing

expo install “Library name”

Built the app, and installed both apps and it worked!!. :slight_smile: