Expo In App Purchases Window Not Popping Up

  1. 48.0.15
  2. iOS

When i make a subscription, it works, but then it expires with sandbox. When i try renewing, without even popping up the purchase window it marks it as a successful purchase and returns the old (and expired) receipt. Below is the code I am using for purchases and listeners.

Additional details:
This happens using testflight or via a dev build with Sandbox. Haven’t tested without Sandbox as the app has yet to be published on the app store.
The length of results is 1 and the purchase isn’t acknowledged.
I am acknowledging each purchase in the listener using finishTransactionAsync

					({ responseCode, results, errorCode }) => {
						if (responseCode === InAppPurchases.IAPResponseCode.OK) {
                            for (const purchase of results) {

                                if (purchase.productId === productID) {


                                    let isSubscriptionValid = true;

                                    if(name != "Replenish Credits") {
                                        var originalPurchaseTime = new Date(purchase.originalPurchaseTime);
                                        var expirationDate = new Date(originalPurchaseTime.getTime() + (30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
                                        isSubscriptionValid = expirationDate > new Date();

                                    if(isSubscriptionValid) {

                                            name != "Replenish Credits" ? "subscription": "onetime",


await InAppPurchases.purchaseItemAsync(productID);


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