Expo-cli "expo export" will it be removed?

Expo-cli have “expo export” or " npx expo export" can Export the static files of the app for hosting it on a web server
I wonder if this support will also be removed
If it is removed, is there any relative support for EAS that can be used to preview

Hi @wennjie

No, I do not believe that npx expo export is going to be removed.


npx expo export output :

  "version": 0,
  "bundler": "metro",
  "fileMetadata": {
    "android": {
      "bundle": "bundles/android-53c708242f6a95e02295e715e7f27c0e.hbc",
      "assets": [
        { "path": "assets/778ffc9fe8773a878e9c30a6304784de", "ext": "png" },
        { "path": "assets/376d6a4c7f622917c39feb23671ef71d", "ext": "png" },
        { "path": "assets/c79c3606a1cf168006ad3979763c7e0c", "ext": "png" },
        { "path": "assets/02bc1fa7c0313217bde2d65ccbff40c9", "ext": "png" },
        { "path": "assets/35ba0eaec5a4f5ed12ca16fabeae451d", "ext": "png" },
        { "path": "assets/5223c8d9b0d08b82a5670fb5f71faf78", "ext": "png" },
        { "path": "assets/563d5e3294b67811d0a1aede6f601e30", "ext": "png" },
        { "path": "assets/b6c297a501e289394b0bc5dc69c265e6", "ext": "png" },
        { "path": "assets/5974eb3e1c5314e8d5a822702d7d0740", "ext": "png" },
        { "path": "assets/9d9c5644f55c2f6e4b7f247c378b2fe9", "ext": "png" },
        { "path": "assets/4f355ba1efca4b9c0e7a6271af047f61", "ext": "png" },
        { "path": "assets/817aca47ff3cea63020753d336e628a4", "ext": "png" },
        { "path": "assets/b06871f281fee6b241d60582ae9369b9", "ext": "ttf" },
        { "path": "assets/49a79d66bdea2debf1832bf4d7aca127", "ext": "ttf" }

How do I use it to build a preview service;
Global Expo CLI Global Expo CLI - Expo Documentation
use “expo export” output

  "jsEngine": "hermes",
  "name": "sdk49",
  "slug": "sdk49",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "orientation": "portrait",
  "icon": "./assets/images/icon.png",
  "scheme": "myapp",
  "userInterfaceStyle": "automatic",
  "splash": {
    "image": "./assets/images/splash.png",
    "resizeMode": "contain",
    "backgroundColor": "#ffffff",
    "imageUrl": "https://www/assets/4dc203c1f48ad8b1e9734613e88be661"
  "ios": { "supportsTablet": true, "bundleIdentifier": "com.bhc.sdk49" },
  "android": {
    "adaptiveIcon": {
      "foregroundImage": "./assets/images/adaptive-icon.png",
      "backgroundColor": "#ffffff",
      "foregroundImageUrl": "https://www/assets/97dae5a0e62ad8551d8a31897b425e63"
    "package": "com.bhc.sdk49"
  "plugins": ["expo-router"],
  "experiments": { "tsconfigPaths": true, "typedRoutes": true },
  "sdkVersion": "49.0.0",
  "platforms": ["ios", "android", "web"],
  "extra": { "router": { "origin": false } },
  "currentFullName": "@wennjie/sdk49",
  "originalFullName": "@wennjie/sdk49",
  "locales": {},
  "iconUrl": "https://www/assets/4e3f888fc8475f69fd5fa32f1ad5216a",
  "bundledAssets": [
  "assetUrlOverride": "./assets",
  "publishedTime": "2023-07-19T11:11:04.179Z",
  "commitTime": "2023-07-19T11:11:04.179Z",
  "releaseId": "d3ef9633-6cb3-4204-b19f-bf985150eeea",
  "revisionId": "ArwVX1aqWE",
  "id": "@wennjie/sdk49",
  "platform": "ios",
  "bundleUrl": "https://www/bundles/ios-ae0f4fb2a7da70c2ac6983f6f3c7a92f.js",
  "dependencies": [

This json can be deployed on your own server, and can be opened using the QR code function of expo-go