expo-av playing sounds not working on android

Expo SDK 49

This is the code:

if (!source) {
      log.debug("Could not find source for type: " + type);
    Audio.Sound.createAsync(source, {
      shouldPlay: true,
      .then((res) => {
        log.debug("Sound created async", res);
        res.sound.setOnPlaybackStatusUpdate((status: AVPlaybackStatus) => {
          log.debug("Sound status: ", status);
          if (!status.isLoaded && status.error) {
            log.debug("Error playing sound: ", status.error);
          if (status.isLoaded && !status.didJustFinish) return;
          log.debug("Unloading sound" + type);
          res.sound.unloadAsync().catch((error) => {
            log.debug("Error unloading sound: ", error);
          shouldPlay: true,
          volume: 1,
      .catch((error) => {
        log.debug("playSound error: ", error);

This will trigger these log outputs.

 LOG  19:18:18 | DEBUG : Sound created async 
  "sound": {
    "_loaded": true,
    "_loading": false,
    "_key": 180,
    "_lastStatusUpdate": null,
    "_lastStatusUpdateTime": null,
    "_subscriptions": [
        "@@nativeEmitterSubscription@@": {}
        "@@nativeEmitterSubscription@@": {}
        "@@nativeEmitterSubscription@@": {}
    "_eventEmitter": {
      "_listenerCount": 3,
      "_nativeModule": {},
      "_eventEmitter": {
        "_nativeModule": {}
    "_coalesceStatusUpdatesInMillis": 100,
    "_onPlaybackStatusUpdate": null,
    "_onMetadataUpdate": null,
    "_onAudioSampleReceived": null
  "status": {
    "isMuted": false,
    "isBuffering": false,
    "audioPan": 0,
    "uri": "/data/user/0/the.app/cache/ExponentAsset-9ceb4b5da88589c465b41b6c98c207e1.mp3",
    "shouldPlay": true,
    "durationMillis": 444,
    "isLoaded": true,
    "didJustFinish": false,
    "androidImplementation": "SimpleExoPlayer",
    "isLooping": false,
    "progressUpdateIntervalMillis": 500,
    "volume": 1,
    "playableDurationMillis": 444,
    "shouldCorrectPitch": false,
    "isPlaying": true,
    "rate": 1,
    "positionMillis": 0
 LOG  19:18:18 | DEBUG : Sound status:  
  "isMuted": false,
  "isBuffering": false,
  "audioPan": 0,
  "uri": "/data/user/0/the.app/cache/ExponentAsset-9ceb4b5da88589c465b41b6c98c207e1.mp3",
  "shouldPlay": true,
  "durationMillis": 444,
  "isLoaded": true,
  "didJustFinish": false,
  "androidImplementation": "SimpleExoPlayer",
  "isLooping": false,
  "progressUpdateIntervalMillis": 500,
  "volume": 1,
  "playableDurationMillis": 444,
  "shouldCorrectPitch": false,
  "isPlaying": true,
  "rate": 1,
  "positionMillis": 0

But no sound is every played. And no more statuses are received…
Any ideas?

I have a similar problem. Yesterday it worked, I updated some libraries. It stopped working.

I haven’t found what library caused it. Yet. Can you post your packages.json?

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