expo-auth-session/providers/google Android Standalone Issue

hmm well speaking as someone new to @react-native-google-signin/google-signin there are some things about it that are confusing me a bit, first the
“expo”: {
“android”: {
“googleServicesFile”: “./google-services.json”
“ios”: {
“googleServicesFile”: “./GoogleService-Info.plist”
“plugins”: [“@react-native-google-signin/google-signin”]
Do I only need the “plugins” line because I don’t have or know how to generate the “./google-services.json” and “./GoogleService-Info.plist” and if I leave them in he app.json it errors out on me looking for them

The other things is the config, I see spots for the web and IOS client id’s but not the android one? maybe I’m just misreading but I don’t see it

And since you mentioned the Facebook one was also being deprecated what is the new recommend library to replace it with?

Yes, the plugin is required. Using a Config Plugin is how you can use a library that requires custom native code in a managed project. The native code will be injected by the config plugin when creating a development build or production, either locally or via EAS.

If you are read the PR guide link I shared with you from top to bottom, it will answer your questions.

For facebook, I think GitHub - thebergamo/react-native-fbsdk-next provides a wrapper around native Android and iOS SDKs.

Ok so im not using firebase so that means no google.services config file so i need to manually provide the client IDs

right now it responds with an error: “DEVELOPER_ERROR”

I have tried following the instructions and updates my App signing key certificate as outlined in the troubleshooting here: google-signin/docs/android-guide.md at master · react-native-google-signin/google-signin · GitHub

But the error persits

Have I done something wrong in the configure?

scopes: [‘https://www.googleapis.com/auth/user.gender.read’],
webClientId: googleExpoClientId,
offlineAccess: true,
iosClientId: googleIOSClientId,

I had the same issue a while ago. What solved it for me was:

  • Making my package name lowercase, and exactly the same on Firebase / Google Cloud and my expo app

  • Making slug all lowercase

  • Make scheme the same as slug

  • Make new eas credentials after changing the slug and update Firebase/Google Cloud with the newly generated SHA1 accordingly

Hope it helps!


Hi @salesp07 oh wow you were right! thank you !

One follow up question if you don’t mind, since you changed the slug, how did you update your credentials with apple? I have already done that once for google and am familiarity with providing them with the pem file, but I cant find anything at all for doing something similar with apple, did you even need to do that?

Honestly, I’m not sure as I’m yet to publish my first app but there’s probably an easy way. Hope you find it!