Camera & Storage access not working for one Android user

I have an Android user reporting camera & image picker are not working. My app.json has the following:

      "permissions": [

And I check for Permissions.CAMERA and Permissions.CAMERA_ROLL before launching the camera (you can see the code here).

Trying it myself on the app it works fine. The user and I are both on Android 8.0. They’ve tried restarting the app several times so it should be up to date. The user has verified that the permissions are granted in the system settings.

Has anyone seen something like this before?

Hey @seveneightn9ne,

Can you elaborate on what “not working” means and let me know what SDK version the app is running? Also, do you know the device that the affected user has?



They said the app is not crashing, but the camera/image library never pops up. From looking at my app code, that would probably correspond to Permissions.askAsync throwing an error or not returning status ‘granted’.

The app is on SDK 31. The user has Android 8.0 and Samsung Experience 9.0 but I don’t know the exact device.

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