Android Failure for Managed Workflows due to npm

Absolutely, not a problem at all.

Do you want me investigating more? I am happy to.

Thank you so much for all the help and patience!

I got a chance to test moving to yarn. And it’s a success :tada:

❯ git stash
❯ git checkout .
❯ git clean -fdx
❯ rm package-lock.json
❯ yarn install
❯ expo doctor
Some dependencies are incompatible with the installed expo package version:
 - expo-asset - expected version: ~8.4.6 - actual version installed: 8.5.0
 - expo-font - expected version: ~10.0.4 - actual version installed: 10.1.0
 - react-native-svg - expected version: 12.1.1 - actual version installed: 12.3.0
Your project may not work correctly until you install the correct versions of the packages.
To install the correct versions of these packages, please run: expo doctor --fix-dependencies,
or install individual packages by running expo install [package-name ...]
❯  expo doctor --fix-dependencies
# ....
❯ expo run:android --variant release
# .....
683 actionable tasks: 626 executed, 57 up-to-date
Starting Metro Bundler


❯ git checkout .
❯ git clean -fdx
❯ rm package-lock.json
❯ npm install
❯ expo doctor
🎉 Didn't find any issues with the project!
❯ expo run:android --variant release
# ...
✖ Config sync failed
[android.dangerous]: withAndroidDangerousBaseMod: Cannot find module 'chalk'

:tada: So converting to yarn seems to resolve all my issues as you say! And I can simply replicate by moving back to npm. Amazing! :tada:

I’m updating my ci stuff to run yarn and then I’ll run the build through EAS.

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:tada: Complete success @notbrent ! Thank you very much!

EAS Android build succeeds now. I’m also adding expo doctor as a check on my CI process.

Thank you again!

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i released a patch for a couple libraries depended on by expo-updates and expo-notifications to ensure they have the expected behavior, so if you wanted to try switching back to npm you can do that but you should delete any lockfiles and node_modules before doing it. that said, i’d recommend just sticking with yarn

Quick follow up, I’ve kept with yarn and not seen any similar issues pop up.

Yarn vs npm doesn’t really matter to me, so I’ll just keep using yarn.

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