Adding a method to check if flash is available

  1. SDK Version: 49
  2. Platforms: all

Is it possible to add .flashAvailable method to the Camera?
I think it would be very useful when using the Camera component in a screen. Many older devices and iPads specifically don’t have a flash, so having a button to toggle flash would be useless, and disabling the button for all iPads wouldn’t work because newer ones do have a flash.

Maybe give react-native-vision-camera a try:

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Thank You! Minimum iOS 12 and Android-SDK version 26 might be a deal breaker for my specific project, but we’ll see I guess. Thanks anyways!

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Expo itself supports the following Android and iOS versions:

Expo SDK version Android version compileSdkVersion iOS version
49.0.0 5+ 33 13+
48.0.0 5+ 33 13+
47.0.0 5+ 31 13+
46.0.0 5+ 31 12.4+

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