Why are Expo apps so slow to open?

I have an app with a few thousand users and growing. A complaint of my users and something that I see reflected in the metrics is that the app takes a really long time to open, especially with a bad internet connection.

do you find this is the case more on ios than android recently? we switched over android to check for a new manifest / js bundle in the background, but haven’t done this yet for ios.

another contributing factor is assets: if you use the AppLoading api, the splash screen remains visible until you’re done executing whatever code you need to check that your assets are cached (or actually caching them if they changed). we’re currently working on bundling assets inside of standalone apps and hope to land a first version of this for sdk 23, if all goes well.

I’ve noticed sometimes a few seconds pass before my logo even shows up on the loading screen with the spinner.

you can switch from the loading api in app.json to splash in sdk22 and this will resolve the issue for you. we will deploy sdk22 later today. check out our staging docs on splash screen here: https://staging.docs.expo.io/versions/latest/guides/splash-screens.html