Where to find bundled JS so I can debug issue that only happens with dev flag = off

I have an error that only occurs when I publish my app/ turn the dev flag off.

I doubt its anything specific to Expo, but what I’m having trouble with is, what can I do with this error? At the very least, I’d like to go into the bundled file and look at the line of code. Could someone advise where I can find this file?

Also, if there’s any other general tips on debugging such an error, that’d be greatly appreciated.


If you visit the URL that XDE/exp gives you in a browser, you should get a JSON manifest file. Somewhere in there, there’s the bundle URL which will contain AppEntry and dev=false somewhere in it in your case. Loading that URL in a browser should load the JS you’re looking for.

That was just the ticket, thanks so much! Boy did the error stick out like a sore thumb once I could see it there!

One thing I was a bit fuzzy on was if you meant the URL from publish or just from running exp start. The bundle from exp start is much more valuable to me since I can choose not to minify it. Just to clarify anyone else trying this, I was able to open the manifest from Chrome if I ran exp start in tunnel mode, copied the URL, and changed the prefix to http://.

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Glad you figured things out!

One thing I was a bit fuzzy on was if you meant the URL from publish or just from running exp start.

Sorry for being unclear – I meant the URL from exp start so you don’t need to publish each time and, as you noted, so you can skip minification.

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