when I try run a an archive build on my detached expo project I get this Command /bin/sh failed with exit code 134.

I get when I try run a build on my detached expo project I get this Command /bin/sh failed with exit code 134. googled it a lot an cannot find an answer, dev build works fine, used to work fine than it stopped working, its a detached expo app. here is the full error.

I’ve tried cleaning, delving derived data , changing scripts to only run on install(which helped for the dev build)

~/Desktop/repticitysingin ~/Desktop/repticitysingin/ios dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/icu4c/lib/libicui18n.58.dylib Referenced from: /usr/local/bin/node Reason: image not found /Users/waltershub/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/repticity-checkin-dyladlpnrkuavlcnilspzxthizjw/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/repticity-checkin/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/repticity-checkin.build/Release-iphoneos/repticity-checkin.build/Script-B5722AD01DFB7E3F0084848F.sh: line 6: 7032 Abort trap: 6 PATH=“$PATH:$value” exp prepare-detached-build --platform ios Command /bin/sh failed with exit code 134

Hey Walter, when you say it used to work then stopped working, is it easy to summarize what’s changed? Did you update any versions of anything, like ios, xcode, or the expo sdk? If you could provide us with any code, that would be helpful also.

I"m not sure exactly what I did on my Mac but defiantly not code changes, I mite have updated Xcode , I also installed larval and had to update my path vars to run composer commands, really not sure if that made a diff, but those were the only changes, the problem was occurring on bit my dev and archive builds, but once I checked scripts to only run on install it worked for dev but not for archive, I really don’t understand why they should be different. I also tried changing my archive scheme to debug, but no luck

thanks @schazers for helping

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