What is the best way to check the audio volume?

  1. SDK Version: 42
  2. Platforms: iOS/Android

Dear, good afternoon (it’s 16h00 or 4 pm here)!

Please, I’m working on a Tinnitus treatment app (from my graduate school) and I just need to check if the volume (both app and system) is maxed out.

I read in the Expo documentation and it has multiple sensors but not volume :frowning: ! An example here is the brightness level: https://docs.expo.io/versions/v42.0.0/sdk/brightness/ where uses Brightness.getBrightnessAsync() .

Is there any estimate, any intention of the Expo team to implement a SomeThing.getVolumeDeviceAsync() or SomeThing.getVolumeCurrentAppAsync() for example?

I also read about the custom client, etc. but I still don’t know how to do it with a simple library/plugin, because the only “non-native” Expo thing I really need is to know if the volume is maxed out. It is not even necessary to know if it is muted, as this is the user’s full right.

Ah, expo eject is not an option o_O! I really love the Expo (:heart:) and I do not have time to learn differences between Android and iOS… :frowning:

Thank you for your attention and your time,
Carlos Frederico (CarLN)

No suggestions/ideas? :frowning:

You could use this library- GitHub - c19354837/react-native-system-setting: A library to access system setting, and change it easily. eg: volume, brightness, wifi

You also don’t need to eject to use the custom development client (which the above library would require), you can rely on config plugins instead and always stay in the managed state: Getting Started - Expo Documentation

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