Warning: Linking requires a build-time setting `scheme` in the project's Expo config (app.config.js or app.json) for production apps.

Hello! I keep getting this warning and I’ve found that if I put the scheme in my app.json file, I keep getting “Warning: Linking requires a build-time setting scheme in the project’s Expo config (app.config.js or app.json) for production apps.”. However, if I add the scheme in app.config.js it works! What is going on here? I feel like I’m always jumping through hoops to make stuff work in Expo that should just work as intended.

Does stuff like this happen all the time in expo? I followed the docs but run into these weird errors I can’t find answers to…

if I add the scheme in app.config.js it works!

Warning states that you need to specify scheme, after you added scheme in app.config.js it works. I assume that there is typo or something missing in your post.

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No I said I get this warning in app.json when defining “scheme”. But there’s no error when I define “scheme” in app.config.json.

I can keep it like this but what is the trade-off from defining it in app.config.js vs app.json?

Without those files, it’s just a guess, but I’m assuming you are not passing app.json values to app.config.js correctly, if you have both files app.json values are passed as an argument to app.config.js

If the above is not the case please provide some basic info about the problem and your project config, otherwise, there is no way to help you or reproduce the issue without guessing.
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