Use windows for developing an ios app that needs RNfirebase?


This question is maybe more general about Expo and i don’t know if this is the right forum for asking it, but I’ll try! I am building an ios application in a team with two other members. We are using React Native and Firebase and are writing our code in Visual Studio Code. My team members are both working on Macs and have installed Xcode. I am working on a PC and I am therefore using Expo with the Expo client app instead of Xcode. I am only using Expo so I can view the application while developing it like my team members can do with the Xcode simulator.

My question is if i can work in Windows for developing an ios app that requires RNfirebase? I know that Expo does not support native modules and i have tried detaching to ExpoKit, but since I am working in Windows I am only getting the android package while i need both packages…

I am veeeery new to Expo and to developing apps in general, so let me know if you need any more information for answering my question!

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