URGENT help guys, i have an issue with expo-notification with FCM

Please provide the following:

  1. SDK Version: 38
  2. Platforms(Android/iOS/web/all): Android

This is rather weird, but when im trying to send notification with fcm api

    "to": "MY_TOKEN",
    "collapse_key": "type_a",
   "notification" : {
       "title": "test",
        "body": "test",
        "tag" : "main",
        "color" : "#3498db"
    "data": {
        "experienceId": "@MY_USER/MY_SLUG",
        "title": "test",
        "body": "test"

if i send the push notif like the above i received the notification (icon white 96x96) on my android phone. but when i select / tap the notif from background it doesnt fire the addNotificationResponseReceivedListener.

however when i use this body request

    "to": "MY_TOKEN",
    "collapse_key": "type_a",
    "data": {
        "experienceId": "@MY_USER/MY_SLUG",
        "title": "test",
        "body": "test"

my notification icon is set to app icon, but when i tap / selectt tthe notif from the background it does fire the addNotificationResponseReceivedListener and works.

the question is how can i correctly set the notification so it will display the notification icon and fires addNotificationResponseReceivedListener when click from background. note that i already follow icon guidelines, useNextNotificationsApi to true… please help :frowning:

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