Upgrade to SDK47 not work

Please provide the following:

  1. SDK Version: 47
  2. Platforms(Android/iOS/web/all): ios
  3. Add the appropriate “Tag” based on what Expo library you have a question on.

Hello there, I’ve updated my codebase to SDK47 but when I run a build I’m still getting SDK46 independently if I build locally or on the cloud.

expo-cli: 6.3.0
eas-cli: eas-cli/3.5.2 darwin-arm64 node-v16.17.1
package.json is this.

Thanks for help.

"scripts": {
    "start": "source .env.staging && npx expo start --dev-client -c",
    "start:production": "source .env.production && npx expo start -c",
    "lint": "eslint .",
    "build:ios": "source .env.production && eas build -p ios --auto-submit --clear-cache",
    "build:android": "source .env.production && eas build -p android --auto-submit --clear-cache",
    "build:all": "source .env.production && eas build --auto-submit --clear-cache",
    "build:ios:preview": "source .env.staging && eas build --profile preview -p ios --clear-cache",
    "build:android:preview": "source .env.staging && eas build --profile preview -p android --clear-cache",
    "build:all:preview": "source .env.staging && eas build --profile preview -p all --clear-cache",
    "build:ios:development": "source .env.staging && eas build --profile development -p ios --clear-cache",
    "build:android:development": "source .env.staging && eas build --profile development -p android --clear-cache",
    "build:all:development": "source .env.staging && eas build --profile development -p all --clear-cache",
    "build:ios:local": "source .env.production && eas build -p ios --local --clear-cache",
    "build:android:local": "source .env.production && eas build -p android  --local --clear-cache",
    "build:all:local": "source .env.production && eas build --local --clear-cache",
    "build:ios:preview:local": "source .env.staging && eas build --profile preview -p ios --local --clear-cache",
    "build:android:preview:local": "source .env.staging && eas build --profile preview -p android --local --clear-cache",
    "build:all:preview:local": "source .env.staging && eas build --profile preview -p all --local --clear-cache",
    "build:ios:development:local": "source .env.staging && eas build --profile development -p ios --local --clear-cache",
    "build:android:development:local": "source .env.staging && eas build --profile development -p android --local --clear-cache",
    "build:all:development:local": "source .env.staging && eas build --profile development -p all --local --clear-cache",
    "build:ios:devclient:local": "source .env.staging && eas build --profile devclient -p ios --local --clear-cache",
    "build:android:devclient:local": "source .env.staging && eas build --profile devclient -p android --local --clear-cache",
    "build:all:devclient:local": "source .env.staging && eas build --profile devclient -p all --local --clear-cache",
    "update:staging": "eas update --branch staging",
    "update:production": "eas update --branch production",
    "android": "source .env.staging && expo run:android",
    "info": "npx expo-env-info",
    "ios": "source .env.staging && expo run:ios",
    "build-plugin-android": "tsc ./plugins/withPladLinkAndroid.ts --watch --skipLibCheck",
    "prebuild:ios:preview": "source .env.staging && expo prebuild -p ios"
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Hi @giacomo.alonzi, how are you checking to make sure that after building your app, it is still using SDK 46? Did you try deleting node_modules and any lock (whether yarn.lock or package-lock.json files and then reinstalling all the dependencies of your project?

Hello, @amanhimself thanks for the reply. In the cloud build, I see SDK46 in the info, and even if I install it on a development device I get the same information about the SDK. I don’t know what I can do, I already deleted all node_modules and yarn.lock with no luck!


Can you please share the EAS Build link with me where this occurring so that I can take a look? (Note that the EAS Build link shared in forums are only visible to Expo team members).

do you mean this one? Build Details — c8142fa5-0a1c-46d2-a2f0-815d1cf4dcc3 — Liv — Expo


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Yes, that’s the the link. Thanks for sharing this!

In your app.json, you have the following value set for runtimeVersion:

  "runtimeVersion": "exposdk:46.0.0",

Usually, when you run npx expo upgrade to update from previous SDK to the one you are updating, this value is updated automatically.

Did you use npx expo upgrade command when updating your project from SDK 46 to 47? Also, it seems like you have a bare project?

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