Updates.reloadAsync fails since the latest Expo Go app update

Hi, I’m using the managed workflow,
SDK 44,
expo-cli 6.0.1,
eas-cli 0.54.1,
expo-updates: “~0.11.6”

In my app I’m using the reloadAsync function to initiate a reload to change the app’s direction after changing the language.

It worked perfectly for months now but in the last day or so it throws the following:

[Unhandled promise rejection: Error: You cannot reload when expo-updates is not enabled.]
at node_modules/react-native/Libraries/BatchedBridge/NativeModules.js:104:50 in promiseMethodWrapper
at node_modules/expo-modules-core/build/NativeModulesProxy.native.js:27:27 in moduleName.methodInfo.name
at node_modules/expo-updates/build/Updates.js:97:7 in reloadAsync
at node_modules/expo-updates/build/Updates.js:97:7 in reloadAsync
at global/languageHandler.ts:10:38 in applyPrefferedLanguage

I just updated to the latest Expo Go app (version,
so because of that timing I believe this might be the cause of that sudden error.

BTW: It seems to work fine with the same app for my teammate who’s on Expo Go version

Would highly appreciate your help… thanks!