"Unhandled JS Exception: TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating '(n=t.NativeModules.UMReactNativeEventEmitter).addProxiedListener')

I migrated my app from react-native-unimodules to Expo by following this guide – fyi/expo-modules-migration.md at main · expo/fyi · GitHub

App is getting crashed while trying to install codepush updates. Here is the crash message form Xcode ,

Here is the Crash report from Firebase Crashlytics ,

Fatal Exception: RCTFatalException: Unhandled JS Exception: TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating '(n=t.NativeModules.UMReactNativeEventEmitter).addProxiedListener')
Unhandled JS Exception: TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating '(n=t.NativeModules.UMReactNativeEventEmitter).addProxiedListener'), stack: <unknown>@1077:728 value@148:830 value@1076:568 <unknown>@1480:2694 v@2:1473 <unknown>@1090:3543 v@2:1473 <unknown>@1014:1107 v@2:1473 <unknown>@768:237 v@2:1473 <unknown>@758:228 v@2:1473 <unknown>@410:384 v@2:1473 <unknown>@6:169 v@2:1473 d@2:875 global code@1586:3

RCTAssert.m - Line 166
RCTFormatError + 166

Here are few important points to notice,

  1. Release Mode → App crashes while trying to install codepush updates.
  2. Debug Mode – > There is no crash while trying to install codepush updates.

This crash is occurring apparently after I migrated from react-native-unimodules to Expo.