Undetermined (camera roll) permissions on Expo client (android)

Been scouting the forum, seems a lot of people have problems with permissions (?). Most topics were closed so here goes…

Please provide the following:

  1. SDK Version: 39.0.2 (brand new install)
  2. Platforms(Android/iOS/web/all): Android

Pretty much cut the code from the tutorial (Picking an image - Expo Documentation), and the permissions dialog is never popping up in the Expo app (I guess you refer to this one as the Expo client?) on android. The response is undetermined.

const openImagePicker = async () => {
    const permissionResult = await ImagePicker.getCameraRollPermissionsAsync()
    if (permissionResult.granted) {
      const pickedResult = await ImagePicker.launchImageLibraryAsync()
    } else {
      alert("Not granted")
      console.log("Not granted", permissionResult)

What is wrong?

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