Unclear on linking libraries and detaching

I cannot, for the life of me, figure out these two simple topics. I’ve tried searching and reading up on them but it is still not clear to me.

First, when linking a library it can be done automatically and manually. Automatic looks something like: react-native link <library name> right. Manual is doing something with Xcode (Disclaimer: I’ve never used Xcode before so I’m not familiar).
Can I link a library for iOS automatically while on Windows? I tried using these packages: 1, 2 but I ran into errors I could not solve and it seemed related to libraries. I’m not sure what the exact error messages were. Is this possible to do?

Second, when detaching to ExpoKit, will Expo SDK things like SQLite and WebBrowser API’s still work? I may not need to detach so when the project is finally built, will these API’s still work?

I don’t think running react-native link on an iOS project will work on Windows, and even if it does it won’t be particularly useful since you can’t compile the iOS project there.

Second, when detaching to ExpoKit, will Expo SDK things like SQLite and WebBrowser API’s still work?


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