Unable to run Expo on simulator..... Error: Expo/ Mac issue SpringBoard quit unexpectedly,

Anytime I try to run the app from my macbook or trigger run command (to run on mac ios simulator ) , I always get this error.

Have anyone able to get over this error message ?

Hello! What version of Xcode do you have?

I got 8.3.2 ( some number ) but it aint the latest. shall i get the latest ?

should I install the 8.3.3 or 9 beta 2 ?

8.3.2 should be fine. Maybe try looking at these suggestions? Simulator crashes constantly - una… | Apple Developer Forums I’m not really sure. This is just a bug in the Simulator.

I deleted the Deleting the simulators from /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator

Didnt work

It didnt work.

Ok I’m not really sure. You can install the simulator build manually using these instructions: https://gist.github.com/jesseruder/a627c0dc0427f074d1aecba997c349ef

what else can i do to make it run via XDE ?

I think it’s just a bug with the Simulator so there’s not much I can do. Maybe bring it up on the Apple forums?

but why do only I have this bug others dont have any issue. Also react native cli works great on my simulators.

Since I can’t reproduce it maybe you can look into it and send us a fix?

I’d love to . but the thing i dont know where to look into

One thing that would help would be the crash logs from the simulator. They might point us towards what’s going wrong.

sure, I appreciate your reply @ide where do i get the crash logs ?

I googled and
on here

i found

woudl these be helfpul @ide ?

LOL Seriously man, I dont know how, but it started working this time…
How did it happen ?

Hey harryp!

As you begin to understand your development environment more I think you’ll have more Eureka moments like you just had! I’m glad that things are coming together for you :slight_smile:

thanks man I appreciate your support @jimmylee

heres the solution : SpringBoard quit unexpectedly

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