Unable to resolve module ../extends/_index.mjs while running expo publish

Issuing expo publish i came across the error below. I have not made any changes on the package versions. It run successfully until two days before. Any help will be useful.

Expo SDK: 38.0.0

Workflow: Managed

Starting Metro Bundler

Building iOS bundle

Unable to resolve module …/extends/_index.mjs from /mobile/node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends.js:

None of these files exist:



export { default } from “…/extends/_index.mjs”

Failed building JavaScript bundle.

Unable to resolve module …/extends/_index.mjs from /mobile/node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends.js:

None of these files exist:



export { default } from “…/extends/_index.mjs”

Packager URL returned unexpected code 500. Please open your project in the Expo app and see if there are any errors. Also scroll up and make sure there were no errors or warnings when opening your project.

Cleaning up file based variables00:01

ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1

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