Unable to resolve "Missing Push Notification Entitlement"

I have seen several helpful pieces on this, but i am still getting the email from Apple post submission.

The permissions for Push notifications looks like this;

You can see I have Enabled there in the right column - but not the left? Am i missing a step here with the build?

Hey @alexborton, did you let Expo handle your credentials? And/or have you already tried to rebuild with the -c flag to clear credentials and generate new ones?

After enabling Push Notifications in app id you need to recreate provisioning profile
expo build:ios --clear-provisioning-profile --revoke-credentials
and submit again


I am fairly sure that i had tried a variation of the -c / --clear-provisioning-profile flags, but not exactly as described.

I will try again with expo build:ios --clear-provisioning-profile --revoke-credentials on the next submission

Using -c or --clear-provisioning-profile shouldn’t make a difference in that case, the important thing is that the provisioning profile needs to be recreated after notifications are enabled in app id. Clear and revoke options are there only to force creation of new provisioning profile.

I also experience the same problem, I tried many things like the -c and --clear-provisioning-profile then re build and re upload, but still getting the warning from appstoreconnect

I created new app, run build:ios, generated all required credentials and uploaded to testflight, after submission received the same warning and when I tested app push notifications didn’t work.
After that I enabled push notifications in app id (only selecting checkbox, I didn’t generate any certs there), after that
expo build:ios --clear-provisioning-profile --revoke-credentials
and second upload to testflight and push notifications did work.

Is there anything you have done differently?

Managed to get this working using your suggestion @wkozyra :+1: :confetti_ball:

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