unable to install

i build applcation using expo, when i run expo build:ios it generate an ipa file, and when i try to install it on iphone, “unable to install” always occur, hot to fix this?

You need to upload ipa to app store and install it on TestFlight. It’s possible to install it directly on device if you have enterprise account or using adhoc provisioning profile.

the application i build is for company. thats why i dont upload it to app store. how to configure adhoc? and what is the use of it?

Adhoc builds are not supported in manged workflow in expo. You can test build on simulator with expo build:ios -t simulator, but to run release build on device you need to use TestFlight.

is using testflight required to use mac?

Yes mac is required to do that(expo upload:ios or Transporter app), if you don’t have access to one you can try setting up CI job that runs on mac or there are services that will upload it for you (I don’t recommend that, but some people seem to use it successfully)

Or some people rent a Mac instance in the cloud. There are mentions of that in the forums.

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