Unable to install AppLoading

Please provide the following:

  1. SDK Version: 44
  2. Platforms(Android/iOS/web/all): all
  3. Add the appropriate “Tag” based on what Expo library you have a question on.

I’m unable to install AppLoading. Looking inside the package.json dependencies, I’m not able to find
‘expo-app-loading’. It says I have to install it manually. I tried to install it manually by typing: expo install expo-app-loading in the terminal but nothing changes. As soon as I use "import AppLoading from ‘expo-app-loading’; I get bombarded by the errors copy/pasted below:

Any help would be appreciated!

Module not found: Can’t resolve ‘react’

1 | import React from ‘react’;
2 |
3 | import { AppLoadingProps } from ‘./AppLoading.types’;
4 | import NativeAppLoading from ‘./AppLoadingNativeWrapper’;
Module not found: Can’t resolve ‘react’
1 | import * as SplashScreen from ‘expo-splash-screen’;
2 | import React from ‘react’;
3 |
4 | type Props = {
5 | autoHideSplash?: boolean;
Module not found: Can’t resolve ‘react’
1 | import { useCallback, useEffect, useRef, useState } from ‘react’;
2 |
3 | import { PermissionResponse } from ‘./PermissionsInterface’;
4 |
Module not found: Error: Can’t resolve ‘react-native-web/dist/exports/DeviceEventEmitter’ in ‘C:\Users\Admin\node_modules\expo-modules-core\build’
Module not found: Error: Can’t resolve ‘react-native-web/dist/exports/NativeEventEmitter’ in ‘C:\Users\Admin\node_modules\expo-modules-core\build’
Module not found: Error: Can’t resolve ‘react-native-web/dist/exports/Platform’ in ‘C:\Users\Admin\node_modules\expo-modules-core\build’
Module not found: Error: Can’t resolve ‘react-native-web/dist/exports/Platform’ in ‘C:\Users\Admin\node_modules\expo-modules-core\build’
Module not found: Can’t resolve ‘react-native-web/dist/vendor/react-native/NativeEventEmitter/RCTDeviceEventEmitter’
3 | * registered in the API layer with NativeEventEmitter.
4 | */
5 | export { default } from ‘react-native-web/dist/vendor/react-native/NativeEventEmitter/RCTDeviceEventEmitter’;
6 |
Error from chokidar (C:): Error: EBUSY: resource busy or locked, lstat ‘C:\DumpStack.log.tmp’

Hey @sebdoy, can you share your env info by pasting what the terminal spits out when you run expo diagnostics?

Also, can you try running npm install expo-app-loading or yarn add expo-app-loading (based on whichever package manager you are using)

Apparently “chokidar” is a file watcher. It should not be watching files outside of your app’s project directory.

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