Unable to generate iOS build


I am trying to generate the .ipa file using exp build:ios command, but I keep getting the following error. Note that the build goes fine for android. I did face this issue previously but it got resolved on its own. However, now it doesn’t seem to work at all. I have been trying for the past 3 days

Your project looks good!
[exp] Checking if current build exists…

[exp] No currently active or previous builds for this project.
[exp] Checking for existing Apple credentials…
[exp] Validating Apple credentials…
[exp] Credentials valid.
[exp] Validating distribution certificate…
[exp] Error validating credentials. You may need to clear them (with -c) and try again.
[exp] Unable to validate credentials. Request ID db078560-b8a4-11e7-8ab6-5952e98b6364, message: Internal error occurred. Please try again in a few minutes or contact support.

okay… it goes thru now. Apparently I had to login to itunesconnect and review the Apple agreement!!!