Unable to build universal apps in the Expo way

I’ve been trying to follow the brief guides on using expo generate-module and expo-module-scripts, but the code they generate just does not work universally. For example,

/Users/noahgray/Projects/stanbase/native/node_modules/stanbase-ui/build/TabBar/index.js 13:33
Module parse failed: Unexpected token (13:33)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type, currently no loaders are configured to process this file. See https://webpack.js.org/concepts#loaders
| const BottomTab = createBottomTabNavigator();
| const { dark } = Colors;
> const TabNavigator = (props) => (<BottomTab.Navigator initialRouteName="Home" tabBarOptions={{
|     activeTintColor: dark.tabIconSelected,
|     inactiveTintColor: dark.tabIconDefault,

Is what my consuming expo app puts out when importing my built module. Why? It’s so unclear.

And what is this? Why is this in the template if this module doesn’t have this?

Module '"../node_modules/@unimodules/core/build"' has no exported member 'NativeModulesProxy'.

1 import { NativeModulesProxy } from '@unimodules/core';

So when I try use the module on expo web, it doesn’t work and I have to transpile it along with the app.

On mobile it’s all invisible. Not errors, but the components can not be seen. I can even press buttons.

How’s it ipossible that such a mature ecosystem fails like this? I’ve been looking over other projects and material for 2 days and this is the result.

What do I do after making the module that makes it an universal expo module or unimodule. I basically just have code here and a command that slightly formats it. WTF? Why was this tool made?