Trying to get Documents from Cloud Firestore

Hello everyone!

This is my first post, and I just got started using Expo with React Native. I’m creating a simple app that basically just gets some data inside a database. In this case I red that Cloud Firestore is the new deal for app developers, and I plan to extend and grow my app in the future, so this seemed like the best choice.

I’ve already set up user authentication, no problem whatsoever. Anyways, when I tried to get data from a document inside a collection, I ran into some problems… I have researched for weeks and tried to eject and install the “RNFirebase” package, but without luck. What is the easiest possible way to get document data from a collection inside Cloud Firestore in a Expo and React Native application, with or without ejecting.

Any input is appreciated!

Thanks in advance.

Hello! If you give more details about this

I have researched for weeks and tried to eject and install the “RNFirebase” package, but without luck

We can try to help you out with that

Sorry for the long waiting period. I tried to make a clean build from ExpoKit and did all as mentioned in the documentation. I did the initial installation using “react-native link react-native-firebase”, but it gives me the error,

“RNFirebase core module was not found natively on Android, ensure you have correctly added the RNFirebase and gradle dependencies to your ‘android/app/build.gradle’ file.”

I red through build.gradle, but all the necessary lines of code that are in the documentation are correctly applied to the file. I made a Sharecode document, so that you can see for yourself, build.gradle - Codeshare

Thanks in advance

I don’t see anything obviously wrong with that file you shared, but more context around the error message would be useful. Did it show that error for a particular file? Where in the compilation process did it show that error?

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