Tracking SDK's included in EAS Builds?

I’m evaluating Expo for a new app, and one of the factors influencing our decision is what SDK’s are included in the final build.

In the official docs, it says that builds include tracking SDK’s such as Branch, Facebook, Segment, and Amplitude. Therefore, when submitting to the iOS app store, you have to indicate “Yes, the app uses IDFA” and “Yes, we collect device ID”.

I also read in an Expo blog post that EAS builds don’t include SDK’s that you don’t use:

Does this mean that for a barebones template app built with EAS, the previous section of the docs will not apply?

  • the final build would not include tracking SDK’s?
  • you would not have to tell Apple that IDFA and device ID are used?

Thank you

we do not include any tracking sdks when you do a build with eas build, the only dependencies that are included are those that you include in your app.

thanks for the call out from the docs, i will go update that. we’ve mostly transitioned our docs over completely to EAS Build but this is one case that we appear to have missed, i appreciate you catching this.


It appears that there are still remnants of firebase analytics sdk embedded in the built APK though. This is actually picked up by some tools like TC Slim that detect trackers. For example I don’t have analytics or ads or anything but it says I have:

Google AdMob
Google Firebase Analytics

I believe it is because it detects the remnants…

this is because you are including firebase/core in your project

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