"There was an unexpected error delivering the notification" (iOS Push Notifications)

I’m getting an error when trying to send push notifications to any of our iOS devices. This is a standalone app on the App Store.

I’ve tried:

  • exp build:ios -c
  • Delete iOS Distribution certificate, Apple Push Services certificate, and provisioning profile from Apple Developer account
  • Publish a new app version to iTunes Connect

I’ve also tried:

  • exp build:ios -c
  • Let Expo handle all certificate provisioning
  • Publish a new app version to iTunes Connect

Despite these efforts, I continue to receive the same error message.

Does anyone have any ideas?

Hey @andrewlee86,

You might want to take a look at Chuyee’s post at the bottom in this Github issue: https://github.com/expo/expo/issues/382

It looks like they got this error resolved after doing a complete (I think manual) wipe of their APS certs and prov profiles.



Hey @adamjnav,

I’ve already tried wiping all of my certificates and provisioning profiles from my Apple Developer account to no avail. Also, I don’t have an ad hoc profile.

I started out with letting Expo handle all the certificate provisioning, then did a exp build:ios -c so that I could use my own CSR to generate my own certificates and provisioning profiles but that didn’t work either. Since the error didn’t go away after using my own self-generated certificates, I decided to let Expo handle the certificate provisioning once more. This is my current state of affairs.

Got it. Yeah, I didn’t mean to recommend what you’ve already tried yourself. One thing I noticed in that github user’s post was that he deleted both development and production variants.

I’ve deleted all certificates and provisioning profiles and let Expo handle the provisioning process but I continue to get the same error message.

Has the Expo team received any similar issues?

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