the onpress event is different from the docs

Please provide the following:

  1. SDK Version:42
  2. Platforms(Android/iOS/web/all):all
  3. Add the appropriate “Tag” based on what Expo library you have a question on.

when I try to console log the onpress event I get a long list of things but I don’t get what is mentioned in react-native website

what I get

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      "directEventTypes":...(truncated to the first 10000 characters)

what in react-native website

    changedTouches: [PressEvent],
    identifier: 1,
    locationX: 8,
    locationY: 4.5,
    pageX: 24,
    pageY: 49.5,
    target: 1127,
    timestamp: 85131876.58868201,
    touches: []

I think you’re meant to look at event.nativeEvent.

e.g. the following shows ({ nativeEvent: PressEvent }) which implies to me that you should expect the event object to have a nativeEvent key which is of type PressEvent.

e.g. try this:

        title="Click me"
        onPress={({ nativeEvent }) => {
          const e = { ...nativeEvent, changedTouches: '[...]' };
          Alert.alert('Event', JSON.stringify(e, null, 2));

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