Subscribe to Expo SDK end-of-life notifications

Please provide the following:

  1. SDK Version: N/A
  2. Platforms(Android/iOS/web/all): All

Hello, thanks for the awesome app and hard work!

Last month, our app went down because our Expo SDK version (v39) was marked as end-of-life with the release of v43. So we needed to quickly upgrade our app to use at least v40.

Is there any notification mechanism we can subscribe to (i.e. via email) that will give us a heads up of expo sdk end-of-life updates?

Something like that would be very appreciated and would have hopefully given us enough time to upgrade SDK versions before production broke. Apologies, I could not find the answer to this question anywhere else.


Hey @theo-swyft, the dropping of an SDK should not be causing any breakages in production. Can you please detail what broke? The expected ramifications of being on an outdated sdk version are not being able to build a new binary with the classic build system and not being able to run the experience in the Expo Go.
As for updates, the best way to stay up to date is to follow the Expo Twitter and blog. Beyond that, we are on a quarterly release schedule so that should give you a general expectation of when to expect SDK releases.


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