Stripe makes app crash on production build on Android


I am implementing Stripe in my App. When testing it out with ExpoGO it works well, and so does the iOS build via Testflight. However, after building the app for Android it will crash whenever the CardFormField component (provided by Stripe) is rendered.

I have logged the errors in Sentry, and this is where it goes wrong:

Binary XML file line #5 in [censored]:layout/stripe_card_form_view: Error inflating class

IllegalArgumentException: The style on this component requires your app theme to be Theme.MaterialComponents (or a descendant).

I then found this, here:

In order to use CardForm component, you need to install and configure Material Components theme in your app.

I do however fail to find information on how I am expected to comply with this requirement using Expo. Do anyone have any ideas?

I am using:

  • expo 43.0.3
  • @stripe/stripe-react-native 0.2.2
  • App is built with eas
  • I use expo (not an ejected app)

Thanks in advance for any help.