SQLite transaction handling question

In the old Web SQL interface, if you returned true from the transaction error callback it would rollback any database changes made within the transaction. Is this how it works for the Expo SQLite API?

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Hi, we just wrap the underlying sqlite API on the respective platforms, so whatever that library does is probably what we do. cc @nikki

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(responded on Slack too)

Our implementation is based on https://github.com/craftzdog/react-native-sqlite-2 and follows the same behavior as that. Probably makes sense to just try in a simple test project.

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The problem with the library that is put on top is the transaction management. Instead of using SQLite to manage transactions it tries to manage it using the node-websql (incorrectly as noted in Transactions auto-close when queuing microtasks between executeSql() calls · Issue #46 · nolanlawson/node-websql (github.com))