does not work on Andriod emulator/Expo Go but works only on expo web

Hey @captaineboy,

I tried running the examples/with-socket-io at master · expo/examples · GitHub and it is running on Android emulator with Expo Go app.

In that examples repo’s README, there are a set of instructions that you will have to follow regarding the ngrok.

  • First you’ll have to install ngrok on your computer.
  • Then, you’ll have to make sure that the backend/server port is running and listening
  • For example, the port you are running is 3000. Then, run the command ngrok http 3000.
  • This will prompt you with an HTTPS link as shown below:

  • Copy that link and paste it into App.js file as the value of socketEndpoint. For example: const socketEndpoint = "https:/";
  • Then, you can reload your Expo Go app if required on the Android emulator (make sure the Expo project development server is running with npx expo start)
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