Slow livereload with expo xde

Every time I make changes I see message “downloading bundle” at least for 30 sec
When I’m using snack, everything works fine, but using XDE this problem appears. Everything is fine with my network connection and speed
Also, whe i make changes during the downloading process, I don’t see this changes unless I download next bundle
What’s seem to be a probem?
Thanks for the attention, sorry for spending your time

I’m not clear what you mean by this

I don’t see this changes unless I download next bundle

Are you doing something manual to trigger the update? By default when you save a file it should live reload your app. It will take longer than Snack but should be around ~5 seconds instead of 30.

No, I’m not doing anything manual to trigger the update, I just save and look forward for updates.
Let’s say i’ve made change #1 and app started downloading bundle #1. After i make change #2 during the downloading bundle #1, i will be able to see only bundle#1 changes