Scrollview Horizontal crashed app using Expo and React Native

I’m developing an app with Expo and React Native, but when I add horizontal in the Scrollview the app crashes/closes by itself. I have this code:

          contentContainerStyle={{ minHeight: "100%" }}
          <View style={styles.containerCard}>
            <CardRecomendados />
            <CardRecomendados />
            <CardRecomendados />

So far I have not found any solution or origin of the problem. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong or if something is missing.

I’m having this exact same problem. If ScrollView is changed to vertical, it doesn’t crash.

Hello everybody, same problem here, any idea ?

Thank you for your help.

I managed to get it work without crashing by wrapping the ScrollView inside regular element like this:

<View style={...}>
  <ScrollView horizontal>
    {, index) => (
          onPress={() => navigation.navigate(...)}
          Button content